´Genre Labyrinth` was created by Singer/Song-Writer Steve J to market his own material and his collaborations with other artists. Musical style ranges from Country/Rock Ballads through to Funk and Heavy Rock … so no fixed genre...hence the name.
The debut album is 'Genre Labyrinth' and all the tracks are written and performed by Steve and long time colleague Andy Koop. All lyrics written by Steve J, music written by Andy Koop and Steve J, but a special shout out to our talented friend Christian Pearl for writing and playing the piano addition in 'Soulmate'. Our musical influences range from Pink Floyd, America and Nightwish to Zappa and Jazz so all in all we ended up with a bizarre cross section of styles, but that made the making of it even more fun.
More projects in the pipeline but if there are music writers out there looking for a new collaboration...get in touch, would love to hear from you.
The tracks are being released on other platforms but are also available below as Lyric Videos, hope you enjoy !
Steve J